Welcome to the Dean History Project!

The Dean History Project

This project is an ongoing collaboration between Dean students, faculty and staff. Our mission is to make our history relevant and accessible to the Dean community and general public. Working with students in the Fall 2024 offering of HIS 430: Public History, the first phase of our project has been to create this timeline website and the walking tours. To take one of the walking tours, proceed to one of the starting points: south side of Dean Hall for the Awpie Route and the Student Center/Chapman House parking lot for the Bulldog Route. Please enjoy and learn from the Dean History Project! To learn more or if you have questions please email Dr. Rob Lawson at rlawson@dean.edu.


Take a tour of campus. The Awpie Route starts from the south side of Dean Hall, and the Bulldog Route starting from the Student Center/Chapman House parking lot is coming soon.