Dean College Office of Institutional Advancement has determined that you have an appropriate, necessary, and clearly defined purpose for the use of this data and that you are acting as a representative of Dean College for that purpose.

By signing this agreement, you agree that you will only use the information for the purpose designated by Dean College. Dean College prohibits you from re-disclosing this information and from using this information for any purpose other than the purpose for which it was provided to you.

All information contained in the Raiser’s Edge database is the property of Dean College and is administered by the Office of Institutional Advancement. Information about Dean College alumni, students, parents, and friends is not made available for non-Dean College purposes or for use by organizations not affiliated with Dean College, unless legally required. This data is not issued to individuals requesting it for personal (non-Dean College) use. This data may not be used in conjunction with any commercial purpose. Some parts of the Raiser’s Edge database are considered particularly sensitive and are not shared outside of the offices administering those parts of the database. The most obvious of these is giving information.

By filling out and submitting the form below, you acknowledge that you understand this policy and that you will adhere to it from this date forward.

* = required field

Policy for Distribution and Use of Dean College Data Form

Policy for Distribution and Use of Dean College Data on Alumni, Students, Parents, and Friends. Please fill out the form below.

Name *
Phone Number *
Date *

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