Fill out the form below to submit content for an upcoming Dean Family eNewsletter, Dean Digest, or both.

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Dean Digital Newsletter Content Form

Dean College sends out digital communications to alumni and families throughout the year - the Dean Digest and the Dean Family Newsletter.

The Dean of Students Office’s Dean Family Newsletter is a monthly e-publication from August through May that updates Bulldog Families on important timelines, events, and highlights from campus. The newsletter typically receives a click rate of over 50% from the database which totals around 1,400!

Please send all submissions for consideration for the Dean Family Newsletter with a brief narrative and images if possible. Narratives for the Dean Family Newsletter should be geared toward families (i.e., ‘reminder for your student’). Images can be event-specific or from the web. Reach out to Dave Drucker (Dean Family Newsletter) if you have any questions about submissions. All submissions are due by the 10th (or closest business day) of the month that the newsletter is being published.

Dean Phone Number *
Choose which digital newsletter you would like to provide content (choose one or both) *

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