“I feel that the greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more.” – Dr. Jonas Salk
About Volunteering
At Dean, we value the time and talent of our alumni. We encourage all alumni to review the many volunteer opportunities available to identify which could work best with your interests and schedule.
Take a look at the options below and fill out our volunteer interest form. Once you've done so, a member of the Office of Alumni Relations will reach out to further discuss your area of interest.
Alumni who are interested in becoming a Career Connector will serve as mentors to our students at all different levels of their journey here at Dean
Alumni who are interested in becoming a Career Connector will serve as mentors to our students at all different levels of their journey here at Dean – be it a freshman looking for advice on which path to choose, or a graduating student looking for networking and career opportunities as they transition from student to alumni.
Career Connectors may be called on as guest speakers for campus engagement, networking, and more.
As a Career Connector, you have the opportunity to participate as a mentor as we build our Mentorship Program. Through mentorship, we work to pair alumni with students who have common interests – whether by major, industry, or other affinity to the College.
Handshake will be leveraged and training provided to alumni who volunteer as Career Connectors.
Time commitment: Varies depending on level of involvement – as a mentor, 1 hour of monthly check in with your student or student-group.
Requirements: 5+ years in a specific industry or area of expertise.
Location: Anywhere! At home virtually, on campus, etc.
Alumni who wish to volunteer as Regional Representatives will serve their local alumni community
Alumni who wish to volunteer as Regional Representatives will serve their local alumni community in the following ways:
- Attend or host (when appropriate) regional alumni events and provide feedback on future programming as it pertains to the alumni audience in a given region
- Be available to alumni who want to get involved or who are new to the region and might have questions on relocation topics like housing, public transportation, and networking.
Time commitment: Varies depending on level of involvement (anything from a 30-minute call with a local alumni to a meet up or networking opportunity, to hosting an event in conjunction with the Alumni Office).
Requirements: Provide an email/phone number that can be shared with area/relocating alumni by the Office of Alumni Relations.
Location: Anywhere! At home virtually, at a local coffee shop, a cool venue in your area, etc.
Alumni Advisory Council Members are an integral part of our campus and alumni community.
AAC members are nominated annually and on a rolling basis based on the recommendations of Dean faculty/staff and current Council Members. If you are interested in becoming a member of the Alumni Advisory Council, your submission will be reviewed during Council recruitment in the spring.
The Alumni Advisory Council will serve the following purposes for the College:
- Provide guidance and feedback on campus initiatives designed to engage alumni in a meaningful, lifelong relationship
- Participate in monthly calls with full council and staff representatives
- Contribute a meaningful annual gift to an area of their choice at Dean
Time Commitment: 1-hour per month for meetings, plus advisory as needed.
Requirements: Monthly meeting attendance and a meaningful, annual contribution to the Dean Fund.
Location: Monthly meetings occur virtually, with the occasional ask to travel to campus for in-person meetings, alumni volunteer opportunities, and special Council events.
Reunion Committee Members are identified based on milestone reunion years
Reunion Committee Members are identified based on milestone reunion years – Five years, ten years, 20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 50 years, and so on/in between. If you are in a reunion year this year, we’d love to have you join the Reunion Committee! We are currently recruiting for the Reunion Committee to kick off our Spring 2023 Reunion Programming.
Reunion Committee Members will be tasked with the following:
- Attending regular meetings leading up to reunion programs to offer ideas, suggestions, and relevant programming based on class year.
- Attending Reunion Programs and recruiting classmates to do the same.
- Supporting fundraising initiatives by making a reunion gift and encouraging classmates to do the same.
Time Commitment: 1-hour per month for meetings, plus advisory as needed. Time commitment increases as reunion programming approaches.
Requirements: Monthly meeting attendance, attendance at spring Reunion programming, and a meaningful contribution in honor of your reunion year.
Location: Monthly meetings occur virtually, with the occasional ask to travel to campus for in-person meetings and Reunion-based programming.
Do you know a student who would benefit from The Dean Difference?
Perhaps a neighbor, friend of the family or child of a coworker is looking for the college environment Dean offers. Let us know by filling out our Refer-a-Bulldog form.

If you’re new to volunteering with us and have a passion for social media, the Social Media Ambassador role is for you
Our Social Media Ambassadors will especially be leveraged around peak engagement & fundraising times for the College; Giving Days, Homecoming and Reunion. They will assist by:
During Giving Days, Social Media Ambassadors will utilize the Social Media “Tool kit” created by the College to share out Giving Day messaging.
Social Media Ambassadors will also share out invitations and content regarding flagship events like Homecoming and Reunion.