future tradespeople working on their computers while taking college classes

It’s common for aspiring tradespeople to either attend a trade school where they learn hands-on about the field that they’ll be going into, or skip school altogether and take on an apprenticeship and learn on the job. However, there’s another option: attending a four-year college.

How can this help you get into the trades? And will it provide you with a number of important benefits that can’t be learned on the job? Luckily, the answer to that last question is yes, it certainly can. Here are four reasons why you should consider going to college before entering the trades.

1) You’ll Learn Communication Skills

Communication is important for every job, whether you’re the one telling people what to do on a jobsite or you’re the person following the instructions. No matter what, you need to ensure that your verbal and written communication skills are up to par. While you might be a natural communicator, it never hurts to further hone your skills. This is where a college degree comes in handy. Even if you choose not to major in communications, you’ll still take some basic classes on the subject, helping you boost your abilities.

2) The Trades Are Becoming Increasingly Technical

No matter which trade you choose, you’re going to have to deal with some technical specs that may require math and other things. Reading and understanding blueprints is one thing, but calculating the amount of concrete that you’ll need for a driveway or using a computer-aided cutting machine requires the need for some additional schooling. Sure, you could learn this on the job, but you’ll have a better and deeper understanding of the concepts if you earn a college degree.

3) You’ll Have Career Options Outside of the Trades

Some trades are harder on the body than others, meaning that you might be out of a job by the time you’re in your 40s, if you haven’t gotten to management level by then. In order to prepare yourself for a job outside of the trades, you’ll need to have some computer knowledge, communication skills, and more so that you’ll be the person that employers are looking for. It’s always a good idea to have a backup plan, especially one that involves a college degree.

4) You’ll Be a More Well-rounded Candidate

When you’re applying for a skilled-trade job, you’ll be more appealing to employers if you have a college degree. They’ll realize that you’re dedicated to learning, have skills that they can use outside of the manufacturing area, and are able to take on a number of different types of tasks. In short, you’ll be the ideal well-rounded candidate, which will increase the odds of getting a job.

Consider Getting a Degree from Dean College

Are you thinking about getting a college degree before you go to work in a trade-related industry? If so, then consider attending Dean College. We have a number of degree programs that can help you off on the right foot. Join us!