Arts and Entertainment Management students standing in front of the Main Stage at Dean College

Theatre productions require more than just the actors. For every one person who is on stage performing for the audience, there are at least five who are behind the scenes making sure everything goes smoothly. The “tech crew,” as they’re often called, design and construct the sets, keep track of the props, design the costumes, sell tickets and promotional items, and so much more. And in order to keep the tech crew and the actors running like a well-oiled machine, an experienced theatre manager is a necessity.

Theatre management is an extremely important part of the performing arts industry. But, what types of skills are required for this job? What’s involved in getting a degree in theatre that also includes management skills? Here’s a little preview of what to expect if you pursue a career in theatre management.

Time Management Skills

Few things are as important as having good time management skills. As a theatre manager, you will have a lot on your plate and will need to get many different tasks completed each day. Learning to perfect your time management skills, in addition to earning your degree in theatre, will make you a sought-after manager once you graduate.

Project Management Skills

On the topic of deadlines, project management skills are necessary to meet them. Without the ability to manage a project and keep track of all of the pieces that go into accomplishing it from start to finish, you could end up overlooking key elements. Taking courses in college that teach you valuable project management skills will be integral to your success as a theatre manager. 

Communication Skills

How well do you communicate with others? Are you better with written or oral communication? Can you send out grammatically correct memos and use your skills to effectively direct your team? As expected, communication plays a huge role in theatre management, as there are a lot of people to speak to, advertising to create, and emails that need to be sent. 

Financial Skills

Keeping track of the budget may primarily fall on your theatre’s accounting team, although you’ll need to stay informed to ensure that your projects stay on budget. Therefore, you’ll need some solid finance skills, as you’ll be the one approving purchases of raw supplies and props, among other items. Without this expertise, your theatre could quickly go into the red, which is never a positive thing. 

Interpersonal Skills

The ability to collaborate effectively with people is one thing that working behind the scenes in a theatre requires. You’ll need to check in with your employees to make sure that they stay on task, perform some customer service-like jobs, and more. Without the ability to work with others and communicate effectively with them, productions won’t get done well or on time. 

Add Dean College to Your List

Do you want to go into the management side of theatre? If so, then consider attending Dean College. Dean offers a variety of theatre degrees to choose from, including a BFA and a BA, as well as an Arts and Entertainment Management major and minor. You’ll obtain the crucial skills needed to become a successful theatre manager. Request more information, today!