As the excitement grows about moving into your new room, it can be easy to get carried away and start buying décor every time you are out shopping. This can add up fast! Here are some tips on how to make your dorm room feel like home without breaking the bank.

  1. Bed in a Bag. Shop for these all-in-one sets in Twin XL. They come with everything you need for your bed and can run as low as $40. Make sure to save those 20% off Bed Bath & Beyond coupons and check the clearance and sale sections in stores.
  2. Pieces From Home. Not everything has to be brand new. Taking pieces from your room at home can be a great way to save money and make your new space feel more familiar. 
  3. Thrift Shops. These can be a treasure trove for fun dorm decorations at a fraction of their original price. Don’t forget the dollar store as well. You never know what you might find!
  4. Older Friends and Siblings. Do you know a senior or recent college graduate? Ask them if they have college essentials and decor they are looking to pass along. You could end up with free items like posters, sheet sets, lamps, shower caddies, and more. 
  5. DIY. Are you feeling crafty? Items like cardboard and fabric can go a long way. Make some wall art or repaint an old frame to display on your desk. Paint a wooden crate and use it as under bed storage. The ideas are endless!

As you prepare for move-in day, visit our Student Life page for more information about living on campus and what to bring with you