Transformation Tuesday: Q&A With Jada F. ’23

Every week, we’re showcasing our graduating students as they prepare to say goodbye to Dean. On each #TransformationTuesday, you’ll get a before and after look at where they started vs. where they are now. Next up is Jada Fields ’23, a student-athlete and double major in Business Management and Sport Management!
Q: How has your experience at Dean shaped you?
Jada: “Dean has helped me become the person I am today in so many ways. Going to a smaller school, I was able to be more involved on campus. I have been able to build closer relationships with professors and students than I would have at a larger school. I was able to break out of my shell and join multiple different clubs and organizations and even become part of an Eboard.”
Q: What is your favorite memory from your time at Dean?
Jada: “My favorite memories I have made at Dean has been attending any and every Dean Activities Board event held on campus. I have enjoyed being able to go with my friends to events like mini golf, bingo, open mic night and many more in the past four years. I think it is something so special being able to make memories every weekend with friends by going to different events and seeing people in their element.”
Q: How has Dean prepared you for the future?
Jada: “Dean has prepared me for my future by allowing me and other students to be creative in class and add their own elements to projects. I have enjoyed both group work and solo presentations and projects as they have allowed me to do my own research and learn about topics outside of the classroom. Dean also has great opportunities for networking that have helped me connect with people in my prospective field. It has helped me get more of an idea of what I would like to do after my time at Dean is done.”
Check back throughout the semester as we profile members of the Class of 2023 and see how far they’ve come throughout their time at Dean!