Important information regarding Dean College's fire safety policy.

Annual Fire Safety Information

The Higher Education Opportunity Act requires the College to prepare a report which includes information about the student housing fire safety systems, fire drills, fire safety policies, and education and training programs. The reports also must include statistics for the three most recent calendar years regarding the number of fires in on campus housing, the cause of each fire, the number of injuries/ fatalities related to each fire, and the value of property damaged in each fire. In 2017 and 2018 there were no reported and/or documented fire incidents. In 2016, there was a reported fire in Woodward Hall. A lighter was used to light the cloth padding lining the residence hall elevator. There were no injuries or fatalities, and property damage was $8500. A fire is defined as “Any instance of open flame or other burning in a place not intended to contain the burning or in an uncontrolled manner”. Read the Dean College Campus Safety Annual Security and Fire Safety Report. 

On-Campus Housing Fire Safety Equipment and Plans for Future Improvement

All Dean College residence halls have full sprinkler systems and networked fire alarm systems. When a fire alarm is activated, the alarm goes directly to the Franklin Fire Department. The Franklin Fire Department then contacts the Department of Campus Safety, which is staffed, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, via a direct ring-down line. An officer is then dispatched to that area to make initial assessments, assist with evacuations and assist Franklin Fire upon their arrival.

Supervised Fire Drills

Mandatory, supervised fire drills are conducted for all residence halls and academic buildings twice each academic year (once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester) by Campus Safety officers in conjunction with the Franklin Fire Department. Additionally, each time new residents occupy a residence hall during the summer for camp-related activities, a fire drill is conducted to ensure the temporary residents are familiar with evacuation routes and procedures.

Evacuation Policy and Procedures

The Relocation Plan provides the following instructions to be followed in the case of an evacuation emergency:

Evacuation emergencies include fires, hazmat and explosion emergencies (when evacuation is directed by emergency personnel), natural gas leaks, unplanned utility outages, bomb threats and other situations in which emergency personnel direct evacuation of a building. In the event of fire or other evacuation emergencies at Dean College, all persons in the affected premises must evacuate. Community members will be notified of a fire or other evacuation emergency by a fire alarm audible signal. Initial emergency notifications may also be followed by e-mail, text messages and phone communications (voice mail) if appropriate. After evacuation, all persons will proceed to their designated “rally points” based on their current building occupancy, unless directed otherwise by Campus Police and Safety.

Alert others — If a community member discovers a fire or smells smoke, or discovers any other hazardous emergency conditions in a College facility, she or he should immediately activate the building fire alarm and call 911 first, and then the College Department of Campus Safety at 508-541-1888. Calmly alert others in the affected area that they must leave and may take only important personal possessions that are in their immediate vicinity, if they can carry such items without risk to themselves or others. Items you may be able to take, depending on the circumstances, include coats, medicines, purses, wallets and keys. Community members should never try to retrieve items in another location in the building. 

Building occupants generally should not fight fires on their own and may not use a fire extinguisher unless they are designated and trained by the College to do so. An individual designated and trained by the College in the proper use of a fire extinguisher and confident in his or her ability to cope with the hazards of a fire may use a portable fire extinguisher to fight small incipient fires (no larger than a waste basket). Any such efforts must be terminated when it becomes obvious that there is risk of harm from smoke, heat, or flames.

Evacuate immediately upon hearing a building fire alarm signal. Close windows and doors behind you. Use the nearest safe exit, but DO NOT use any elevators. If you are caught in smoke or heat, stay low where the air is better, and attempt to reach a safe exit or area of refuge.

If the door or doorknob to the hallway is hot, do not open it, as fire may be on the other side. If you are unable to leave your room or office due to heat or heavy smoke in the hall, other obstructions or physical disability, try to put a cloth or towel under the door to help prevent the entry of smoke. Call 911 and then the Department of Campus Safety at 508-541-1888 and give your exact location so that emergency personnel can be directed to you.

Assist individuals who are blind, visually impaired, deaf, hard of hearing or mobility impaired as needed and immediately inform the nearest emergency responder of the individual’s location.

Individuals who have a disability that may impede their exit from a building in an emergency are encouraged to inform their supervisor of the nature of their disability in advance.

Know the location of all exits from your building. All exits in College facilities are marked with EXIT signs and directional arrows.

Leave the building and assemble in the designated area assigned for your building, where you will not hinder the approaching emergency response personnel and apparatus. Students and employees should attempt to account for individuals who are known to be in the building, including all visitors. Any missing individuals should be reported to the Department of Campus Safety or emergency personnel. In addition, security personnel will conduct a sweep of all floors if sufficient personnel are available and it is safe to do so.

Wait for Campus Safety officers or emergency personnel to tell you when it is safe to return to the affected building. Even though the alarm may stop, the building may not be safe to re-enter.

If re-entry to the building is not imminent, occupants will be directed to proceed to another location. Depending on the severity and scale of the event that triggered the evacuation, Campus Safety will implement procedures to account for all College employees and residents known to have been in the building, and all are expected to cooperate in the effort. To the extent possible, telephone and computers will be provided to allow employees and residents to contact family members.

Fire Safety Violations and Prohibitions

Including rules on portable electrical appliances, smoking and open flames

The Student Code of Conduct contains a section addressing prohibitions and fire safety violations. A fire safety violation “includes, but is not limited to storing or possession of any hazardous, flammable, or explosive materials; failure to leave a building during a sounded alarm; tampering with fire/safety equipment such as fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, pull stations, or sprinklers; false alarms or the false reporting of a bomb, fire, or other emergency on College premises or at activities sponsored by the College.”

The Housing Agreement which can be accessed via the Student Conduct and Community Standards at Today@Dean, lists items and activities prohibited in private residence halls. Candles, incense, lanterns, potpourri and other flammable items including but not limited to hot plates, electric frying pans, indoor grills (including the George Foreman grill), immersion coils, flammable liquids and flammable decorations are not permitted in any residence facility on the Dean College campus. In addition, each student is given a copy at orientation that includes rules relating to permitted small appliances and fire safety in general.

Dean College’s smoking policy, also found at the Student Conduct and Community Standards at Today@Dean, prohibits smoking in any Dean College vehicle or building, including residence halls, individual rooms and apartments within residence halls, individual faculty offices, faculty and staff lounges, the library or Boomer’s Beanery. Smoking is also prohibited within 25 feet of any Dean College building, or adjacent sidewalks, and is only allowed at designated smoking areas.

Fire Safety Education and Training Programs

All Resident Directors and Community Advisors receive fire safety and emergency action plan training and are responsible for providing fire safety training to students. Prior to the first fire drill of the year, each Community Advisor conducts a mandatory house meeting for students during which evacuation procedures and fire safety rules are reviewed with new and returning students.

All residence hall rooms are equipped with evacuation maps posted on the back of doors. These maps indicate the safest and most direct exit routes from the room in the case of an emergency. Also on the back of the door in each room is a copy of the College’s “Campus Emergency Procedures Guide” which provides information on how to respond appropriately in emergency situations.

Professional staff and faculty members receive Emergency Action Plan training during which fire safety and evacuation and procedures are reviewed. Staff and faculty are provided with copies of the “Campus Emergency Procedures Guide” at that time and the guides are displayed throughout campus. In addition, Resident Directors, Campus Safety Officers and Facilities employees are provided with training as well as hands-on fire extinguisher training by a professional firefighter instructor in order to ensure their familiarity with campus equipment. The emergency fire and evacuation plans are reviewed annually to insure continuous improvement of Dean College’s Fire Safety preparedness.

Visit Dean College Campus Police and Safety to learn more and read full reports.