Registration Information
Students seeking accommodations from the Accessibility Services Office should complete a registration form.
At Dean College, we strongly believe in providing the best educational services to each of our students.
Dean offers learning and academic support as well as auxiliary aids and services to qualified students with disabilities through the Office of Accessibility Services.
Our mission is to advocate for a campus environment that meets the needs of students with disabilities. The college provides its full support and a variety of accommodations to any qualified student with a documented disability, executive functioning disorder, sensory processing or nonverbal learning issues.
Accessibility-related requests for accommodations and services are evaluated individually, based on documentation and completion of the registration process.
Students seeking accommodations from the Accessibility Services Office should complete a registration form.
Students may request housing accommodations due to a disability by completing the Housing Accommodations Request form.
Students may request parking accommodations due to a disability.
Dean College is committed to the full participation of students in all aspects of college life, including dining experiences.
Learn about the documentation that is necessary to validate a disability and the need for appropriate accommodations.
Students may appeal decisions regarding the determination or provision of reasonable academic/housing adjustments or auxiliary aids and services.
Discover resources to provide information for parents of interested students.
Learn about the student resources that Dean College offers.