Improve your skills in a variety of classes and disciplines with support from tutors
Services Offered
The Morton Family Learning Center at Dean College offers free tutoring services in content areas and study skills from a variety of different sources, including peer tutors, professional tutors, and faculty members.
Tutoring Services
Click through the below boxes to learn more about the support services that we offer here at Dean College.-
Peer Tutoring (Student to Student) Learn from your fellow students in a wide range of classes and content areas.
Professional Tutoring Find support from faculty and staff as you work towards your academic goals.

There are many places on campus that can help you, but my favorite resource at Dean is the Morton Family Learning Center. It offers writing, math, subject area tutoring and many more resources. When I have a paper or a project coming up and I need guidance, they help and guide me to the right path towards my future.

Students are able to build presentation, writing, mathematics and collaboration skills while moving through spaces specifically designed for one-on-one tutoring, presentation practice, group work and individual study. Our goal is to provide an exciting, inclusive and welcoming environment that allows students to feel comfortable and supported while working towards the attainment of the all-College learning goals.